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Woodhill Primary School

School Priorities

Our school priorities support us in our continued drive for improvement and form our school development plan each year. As a school community, we implement and embed these school priorities across each half-term.

This year our school priorities are:

Leadership at all levels

Promote and embed a culture of ‘everyone a leader’ where leadership is distributed at all levels to create ownership, opportunities and capacity for continuous improvement.

Behaviour, attitudes and personal development

Embed a culture of excellence, resilience and wellbeing for children, staff and families.

Robust curriculum and outcomes

Embed an ambitious and engaging curriculum that results in high outcomes.

Assessment driven practice

Ensure teacher assessment is highly effective and used to deliver precise, effective intervention resulting in all children making good or better progress.

High quality inclusive practice for all

Ensure that provision meets the needs of all learners and that adaptive teaching is embedded throughout the curriculum.