Home Learning
Each half term, the children receive a homework pack consisting of a range of activities especially planned for by the teacher. Before each school holiday, the children will also receive some additional homework tasks.
This homework is an extra to the activities below, which should be the priority for home learning. Children have a full busy day at school and it is important to do what is appropriate for each child. In Year Six, while thinking about the transition to secondary school, the homework is modified to reflect these higher expectations. The homework packs are designed broadly for each year group rather than being tailored to individual children. Your child’s class teacher will speak to you about activities that you can do with your child in order to meet their specific needs.
Home learning activities that take priority are:
- Daily reading with your child or encouraging an older child to read independently. It is important that children read books at their level to develop fluency and also enjoy books read by an adult for pleasure. Please find attached a list of comprehension questions to ask your child while reading with them. Please do record all reading in your child’s reading record and work with them on the Reading Challenge to achieve their certificates and prizes.
- Spelling Attached are each year groups spelling list. It is important to ensure that children are able to first read these words and then spell them. You can play spelling games such as hangman, use flashcards and do the look-cover-write-check approach, as well as fun quizzes. Some children may need to go over the words from the previous year before moving on.
- Times tables are essential for children to progress in their maths learning. A statutory test in Year Four has also now been introduced and it is expected that all children will know their times tables up to 12x12. Each child in the school has a log in for Times tables Rockstars to practise weekly or you can play your own times tables games, ensuring that children can say them out of order and quickly.
Year group expectations for times tables:
Y1: count in 2, 5, 10 (all doubles to 10 and halves)
Y2: 2, 5, 10, 3 (rapid recall in any order e.g. 2 x 5, 5 x 10, 4 x 3)
Y3: 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8
Y4: All up to 12 x 12
Y5: All up to 12 x 12
Y6: All up to 12 x 12
Doing these three things frequently will help your child in their learning immensely and increase their confidence in school. Each Monday lunchtime, leaders will be taking it in turns to run a homework club where children can come and choose to do some of their homework activities, as well as practise the above skills.
Children will have the opportunity to share their home learning in class and will achieve homework certificates for a great effort.
If you have any further questions about home learning, please do not hesitate to talk to your child’s class teacher or one of the Deputy Headteachers, Miss Lichty.