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Woodhill Primary School


As part of the Inspire Partnership Academy Trust, the governing body has shared oversight of Rockliffe Manor, Woodhill and Foxfield primary schools. The details of our remit are set by the Trust board and are detailed in its Scheme of Delegation.

As a Governing Body, we are a strong and active cross section of people, with the objectives of providing a strategic view, ensuring accountability, and acting as a critical friend, through support and advice.

By providing an exciting curriculum within a caring and secure environment, we aim to ensure that each child can reach their full potential in every aspect of their development at Woodhill Primary School

The governing body may be contacted via Julie Newman, Governance Administrator for the Trust: 

Ed Britton - Chair of Governors

Community governor appointed by governors

Safeguarding Link Governor

Term starts:24/1/2020  Term ends: 23/1/2024

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

I have lived in South East London all my working life. I have enjoyed the great sense of community here and am pleased, by being a governor at the Inspire Partnership Greenwich Hub, to have the opportunity to be able to give something back to the community. I have been a governor at Woodhill since 2016, having previously been on the governing bodies of other local primary and secondary schools.

My own children, three daughters, are past school age now. But the memory of how important their first school was to each of them is still very much with me. I am determined to do all I can to help Woodhill give a great start to all the children that pass through our school.

I had a variety of jobs in the finance sector before stopping work in 2018. It’s great to be able to put my management experience and numeric skills to practical use to the benefit of the Inspire Partnership and our pupils.

Lucy Parker - Vice Chair of Governors

Community governor appointed by governors

Term starts: 01/02/2021 Term ends: 31/01/2025

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

Ed Nedjari - Community Governor

Community governor appointed by governors

Pupil Premium Link Governor

Term starts: 9/9/2023  Term ends: 8/9/2027

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Goldsmiths University

I have been a governor for over six-years, as well as being involved in various projects with the Inspire Partnership Board.

I am passionate and energetic about empowering the young people in our communities and supporting them to realise their potential. I have lived in South East London all my life and have two teenage sons who also went to school in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Employment wise I have spent the last decade working in the Third Sector within Higher Education. I am currently Chief exec at Goldsmiths Student Union in New Cross. Prior to that, I spent nine years at King's College London Students Union, as Head of Community Engagement and Opportunities. Before my journey into the third sector, I worked in the public and private sectors, operating leisure facilities across Lewisham and Southwark. 

Michael Stanton - Community Governor 

Community governor appointed by governors

Term starts:22/5/2023  Term ends: 21/05/2027

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

I was appointed as a School Governor at Woodhilll in May 2019. I am delighted to have the opportunity here at the Inspire Partnership Greenwich Hub to help develop excellent schools. I passionately believe that a well ran school benefits not only children but the community as a whole.

I worked as a teacher in Spain in 2010-2011, and worked with a number of wonderful teachers. I observed how well children and young adults responded to an inclusive environment, and saw how well effective teaching engages students. As such, education remains very close to my heart.

Originally from Devon, I moved to Woolwich in 2013, and have worked for the Bank of England since 2016. During my time at the Bank of England, I’ve looked closely at new banks’ applications – particularly in regards to their effective governance and senior manager appointments. My experience in assessing governance and effective senior management is something I hope will positively impact my role as Governor.

Lisa Thompson - Community Governor

Community governor appointed by governors

Safeguarding Link Governor

Term starts: 18/3/2021  Term ends: 17/3/2025

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust

Sapphire Jackson - Parent Governor

     Parent governor Woodhill Primary School

      Term starts: 18/12/2023  Term ends: 17/12/2027

      Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

Owen Phillips - Headteacher

Headteacher at Woodhill Primary School appointed governor by virtue of role

Term starts: 01/04/2022. Term ends: ongoing

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

Julie Allcott - Staff Governor (Woodhill)

Staff governor  Woodhill Primary School

Term starts: 16/01/2024  Term ends: 15/01/2028

Laura Love-Petschl - Parent Governor (Foxfield)


  Parent governor appointed by parents

  Term starts: 06/11/2023 Term ends: 05/11/2027

   Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Yes 

Nancy Cook - Headteacher

Headteacher at Rockliffe Manor appointed governor by virtue of role

Term starts: 12/02/2022 Term ends: ongoing

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

Megan Minnett - Co-Headteacher 

Co-Headteacher at Foxfield appointed governor by virtue of role

Term starts: 01/01/2021. Term ends: ongoing

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

Tatum Ward - Co-Headteacher

Co-Headteacher at Foxfield appointed governor by virtue of role

Term starts:  01/01/2021  Term ends: ongoing

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared

Walker Syachalinga - Community Governor

Community governor appointed by governors

Safeguarding Link Governor

Terms starts: 31/01/2022 Term ends: 30/01/2026

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared

I am a trainee solicitor at a law firm in the City of London. Prior to that role, I worked as a researcher and an editor in legal publishing. I am committed to expanding educational opportunities and previously served as trustee of a charity assisting high achieving youths from low income backgrounds. Outside my job, I campaign on local road safety and climate issues in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Siobhan Adams

James Porter - Staff Governor (Foxfield)

Staff governor elected by staff (Foxfield Primary School)

Term starts:  03/10/2022 Term ends: 02/10/2026 

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared

Rachael Roper - Staff Governor (Rockliffe Manor)

Staff governor elected by staff (Rockliffe Manor)

Term starts:  23/11/2022 Term ends: 22/11/2026 

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared

Samrien Hussain - Parent Governor 

Parent governor elected by parents (Rockliffe Manor)

SEND Link Governor

Term starts:  15/11/2022 Term ends: 14/11/2026 

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared

Renelle Carmona -  Community Governor 

Community governor appointed by the Trust Board. 

Term starts:  19/02/2024 Term ends: 18/02/2028 

Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared


Previous Governors served over the past 12 months and transparency information for 2023

We would like to thank the following governors who have served in the last 12 months but are no longer serving.

Ayaka RUggiero  - Community governor  Term ended 24 July 2024   (Term starts: 14/01/2024)   Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared.

Moses Zikusoka - Parent Governor -   (Woodhill Primary School)  Term: 17/11/2021   to: 21/11/2023

Danny Snow, Parent governor elected by parents; Term started:  17/11/2021 Term end: 09/10/2023 

Stephanie Dunn, Staff governor, Term started: 18/07/2023. Term ends: 02/10/2023

Hema Ley, Parent governor elected by parents

Term started 17/10/2020  Term ended: 02/10/2023

Louise Mapp - Term started: 01/10/2021. Resigned 18th July 2023

Siobhan Adams Interim Headteacher at Foxfield appointed governor by virtue of role

Greenwich LGB Statutory Governance Transparency information     
September 2023




Term of office 

Attendance 22/23

Declaration of Interest 

Siobhan ADAMS

Interim HT Foxfield

31st August 2023 

5 from 5



Community and Chair

23rd January 2024

5 from 5


Nancy COOK

HT Rockliffe Manor 


5 from 5




14 November 2026

3 from 4


Hema LEY

1st October 2023

2 from 5


Louise MAPP


1st September 2022

5 from 5



8th September 2027
4 from 5


31st January 2025
4 from 5


HT Woodhill


5 from 5



14th January 2024
4 from 5


HT Foxfield 
On maternity leave
Maternity leave


21st May 2027
5 from 5 


30th January 2026
5 from 5 


17th March 2025
3 from 5



16th November 2025

5 from 5




2nd October 2026

4 from 4


Rachael ROPER


22nd January 2026

3 form 4


Danny SNOW


1st September 2022

2 from 5



HT Foxfield 

Maternity leave

Maternity leave


Steph DUNN


1st July 2023

1 from 1 
