World Book Day - 1st March 2023

Books and Breakfast will be taking place in the bottom hall on this day from 8.30am. This is an opportunity for carers to have a delicious breakfast and share a book with their children! We will also be holding a special themed ‘World Book Day lunch menu’ if your child is normally a packed lunch and would like a special lunch please let the school office know by Friday 24th February, Menu is attached.
Dress up day! Children (and staff) will be able to come into school dressed as their favourite book character or in their favourite Pyjamas. It would be great if children could also bring a book that their character features in, to share with their class. We will have a special reading assembly and during the day the children will have an opportunity to buddy up with another class for a reading session. During assembly, Reception – Year 6 will showcase to the whole school their beautiful costumes. It will be a chance to celebrate the creativity of all children. On this day children will receive a World Book Day £1 Book Token which can be taken to your local bookseller and swapped for one of the designated World Book Day books.