School Closure - Monday 19th September 2022

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Monday 19th September has been confirmed as the date for her funeral. This will be a bank holiday enabling everyone to pay their respects in their own way. Therefore, our school will be closed on this date.
Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Monday 19th September has been confirmed as the date for her funeral. This will be a bank holiday enabling everyone to pay their respects in their own way. Therefore, our school will be closed on this date.
Naturally, the passing of the Queen is something we are talking about in school with the children. On Friday, all children took part in an assembly to reflect upon the commitment and duty shown by her Majesty over the years, and over this next week, we will continue to mark the Queen’s life through class assemblies, reflections in PSHE as well as making links to this event via our history curriculum.
If parents would like resources to support your conversations at home, we recommend the newsround website ( ) as it has a number of videos and written articles about the events. You can also use resources from MindEd ( ) if you need help with supporting your child’s mental wellbeing at this time. Alternatively, if you feel your child requires additional emotional support during this time, please do speak to the leadership team as we recognise such events affect us all in different ways.